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Natural Pain Relief Through Magnetic Therapy is Possible

Written By cikgu sham on Saturday, September 29, 2007 | 11:21 PM

No one can deny the power of magnets, racing pigeons find their way home across thousands of miles, and Salmon use the earth’s magnetic pulses to travel through oceans to make their way back to their spawning grounds. The ancient Celts built their places of worship at points where the earth’s magnetic ley lines intersect.

Are you sitting there reading this and rubbing your wrist because your arthritis is playing up again? Do you avoid walking up stairs as your knees hurt so much?

Magnets have been helping guide animals around the world for millions of years; they can now help you with your pain.

In the December 2004 issue of the British Medical Journal, one study concluded that wearing magnetic bracelets can significantly reduce the pain of arthritis.

As more questions are raised every day over the use of drugs (Celebrex or Vioxx) to assist in pain relief for arthritis, the study is good news to the over 70 million Americans suffering from the disease.

Arthritis affects one in three adults in the United States, and over half of those feel that there is nothing that can be done to ease their pain. It is a sad world when people will suffer their pain rather than take medication as they are so frightened of the potential side affects of the prescribed medications.

Magnetic therapy offers a natural risk free pain relief for people who suffer with Arthritis.

The British Medical Journal recently published an article in which researchers acknowledged the need for more research regarding the placebo effect. We know that believing in any particular remedy is more likely to create a positive subjective report of improvement. It’s also true that taking any kind of action to alleviate pain results in some sense of ease.

Can magnetic therapy products really help me?

•The British Medical journal thinks so and it definitely can’t hurt you.

•Magnetic therapy products are natural and offer natural pain relief.

•You wear them on your body, no invasive operations.

•Cost/benefit, the cost of trying Magnetic therapy products is much lower than trying various drug therapies.

Arthritis pain really wears you down as it drags on for years and years; try magnetic therapy products for natural pain relief.

Paul forcey started wearing a Magnetic Bracelet from Magnetic Therapy Products and after finding it helped immensely with the pain of arthritis he started working for them.

magnetic therapy bracelet
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+ comments + 1 comments

January 16, 2008 at 6:30 PM

Wow, I feel very happy to see blogs like this that give useful information on reducing pains.
Unfortunately, most doctors simply write prescription after prescription for drugs that have been proven to have side effects often worse than the pain they are supposed to be helping. Nice blog.

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