When they first hear about magnetic therapy, most people think that it's something relatively new and aren't sure that they can trust such a "New Age" or alternative treatment. They may be surprised to learn that magnetic therapy has actually been used for thousands of years in cultures around the world for everything from treating wounds to staying young. In fact, magnets therapeutic effects have been recognized for centuries and had only recently fallen out of favor before being rediscovered for their amazing health promoting and pain relieving properties in the last few decades.
Magnetic Therapy in Ancient Times
Thousands of years ago, the Ancient Egyptians recognized the healing power of magnets and used them in a variety of ways. Although the specific ways they used them for medicinal or healing purposes have been lost through the ages, we do know that Cleopatra, Queen of the Nile, felt that magnets influenced blood flow and the flow of energy in the blood. She was so sure of their influence on the body that her famous crown held a magnet in what was referred to as the "third eye" in the center over her forehead.
The Greek philosopher Aristotle also referred to the healing power of magnets, noting that many different cultures used them to treat wounds during war time. In the Orient, magnets have been used in conjunction with acupuncture for thousands of years. By magnetizing the thin, flexible acupuncture needles that are inserted into the skin during an acupuncture session, the flow of qi, or energy, in the human body is affected more strongly and the blood flow beneath the skin is increased. Relaxation is also enhanced when magnetic therapy is used in conjunction with acupuncture.
The Beginning of Modern Medicine
Paracelsus is often hailed as the father of modern medicine. During the early 1500's, this European philosopher, scientist and doctor traveled to various countries studying the way illnesses worked and determined that the accepted theory of the day - that the four "humors" of the body being out of balance caused illness - was wrong. He argued that there were external substances that had to be affecting individuals that caused disturbances in the human body. It was the birth of the concept of disease caused by germs or any other outside factor. Paracelsus also recognized that magnets with enough force also affected the life force or energy in the human body. He developed a variety of medicinal cures for many illnesses, including many that combined the use of herbal and mineral medicines and the application of magnets for discomfort or to promote healing.
During Queen Elizabeth I's reign, her court physician, William Gilbert, published a famous book on magnetism called, "De Magnete," in which he discussed magnetic therapy at length. He talked about how magnets worked, the differences between magnetism and electricity and was the first person to explain that the earth was a giant magnet. In one chapter, he discussed the importance of magnets as an aid in "curing many diseases."
The popularity of magnetic therapy continued unabated through the Civil War years. Medical journals and textbooks at the major medical colleges all referred to the effectiveness of magnetic therapy for pain, inflammation, arthritis, headaches, cramping and a variety of other conditions. You could order many different types of therapeutic magnets through trusted mail order catalogues like Sears and Roebuck.
Magnetic Therapy Today - Unfortunately, as pharmaceuticals rose in favor in the second half of the 1900's, many doctors began to question the effectiveness of magnetic therapy and pharmaceutical companies encouraged this. Soon magnets lost their popularity as a treatment in the United States. However, this wasn't the case in many other areas - in fact, in more than fifty countries today's magnetic therapy is now an officially approved therapy for a variety of diseases.
Fortunately, in the last few decades magnetic therapy has seen a resurgence in interest from the medical community. The MRI was a ground-breaking diagnostic imaging tool that relied on magnetism that reawakened physicians' interest in the possibilities of magnets for therapeutic uses as well. In dozens of independent studies have proven the efficacy of properly used magnets for reducing pain and inflammation. The key is finding a reputable company that produces medical grade magnets developed in a University Medical Center or some other recognized authoritative research environment. Research their results and carefully read any literature on how their products work and what results you can expect - look for honest answers and realistic advice.
With the renewed interest in magnetic therapy around the world and thousands of years of results, magnetic pain management seems to be here to stay. With no side effects and easy use, this is a definite step forward for millions who suffer from daily or recurrent pain.
Andy West is a freelance writer who writes on a variety of topics. Gradient offers the QuadraBloc magnetic therapy products via their website.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Andy_West
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