When healing occurs it tends to go deep inside the body cellular
system. It has been acknowledged in several studies connecting quantum
physics research with DNA reprogramming and healing therapies that to
create a positive magnetic force capable of overriding default programme
generating discomfort it is necessary to include resistances in the
healing process. When we include our own resistance in a healing process
we create a positive magnetic force. For instance a fear to sleep
peacefully when travelling abroad and hence a challenge to spend
peaceful holidays or professional travels can be converted into a
positive feeling of peacefulness by including resistance to outside
factors into the equation. This is called zero point intention
formulation. How does it work? It works very simply by formulating an
intention in two parts. Starting with a positive part we then include
the weakness of resistance into the second part. So for instance a
challenge to sleep peacefully when travelling abroad becomes an
intention to sleep peacefully when travelling abroad while acknowledging
the feeling of being bothered by foreign vibrations
The intention is then rephrased with a sense of order or command to the inner self to convert the fear into a positive goal. Eventually after re-writing the intention a few times and shrinking down the fear to its minimum, the intention becomes an order to sleep peacefully without being disturbed by anything. To put the intention further at zero point it then becomes necessary to acknowledge the inner resistance that is usually part of the default programme. In this case the intention at zero point becomes a connection to our own essence and brings peace in all parts of the inner self, the mind and the aura. We are not only able to sleep peacefully but also able to vibrate at the frequency rate of our own essence without being disturbed by any foreign vibrations.
On the eve of 2012 it is now common to hear and read about ascension. To understand what ascension exactly is we need to go back to the quantum physics, the theory of movement and acknowledge that we are vibrational beings. In this approach then ascension is defined as a process in which we vibrate in resonance with the frequency rate of our essence. Ascension is then defined as a movement occurring at various levels of the reality. Reality behaves like a wave and has its own frequency, when we enter in resonance with a specific frequency we enter a grid of possibilities, the quantum grid and make our choices based on our essence. healing then occurs at a frequency rate that we have chosen.
The intention is then rephrased with a sense of order or command to the inner self to convert the fear into a positive goal. Eventually after re-writing the intention a few times and shrinking down the fear to its minimum, the intention becomes an order to sleep peacefully without being disturbed by anything. To put the intention further at zero point it then becomes necessary to acknowledge the inner resistance that is usually part of the default programme. In this case the intention at zero point becomes a connection to our own essence and brings peace in all parts of the inner self, the mind and the aura. We are not only able to sleep peacefully but also able to vibrate at the frequency rate of our own essence without being disturbed by any foreign vibrations.
On the eve of 2012 it is now common to hear and read about ascension. To understand what ascension exactly is we need to go back to the quantum physics, the theory of movement and acknowledge that we are vibrational beings. In this approach then ascension is defined as a process in which we vibrate in resonance with the frequency rate of our essence. Ascension is then defined as a movement occurring at various levels of the reality. Reality behaves like a wave and has its own frequency, when we enter in resonance with a specific frequency we enter a grid of possibilities, the quantum grid and make our choices based on our essence. healing then occurs at a frequency rate that we have chosen.
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